Low-Income Programs

We understand the importance of energy in your life, and our goal is to keep your services turned on. Throughout the year, we work with government agencies and community organizations to offer payment assistance to income-qualified residents.

If you are behind on your energy bill, we will work with you to discuss payment plan options or direct you to energy assistance agencies in your area. For more information, contact us at (800) 477-4747.

How to Apply

This video describes which documents and information you will need to provide when applying for energy assistance.

Income Eligibility

Based on your income, you could qualify for energy assistance or a payment plan to help pay your past-due balance or current bill.

Within the table below, determine the number of members in your household and then your monthly or yearly income. Then decide if you might qualify for a specific type of energy assistance or payment plan.

Type of Energy AssistanceHome Heating Credit
(110% FPL)
Salvation Army
RIA Credit
(150% FPL)
Protection Plan
(200% FPL)
Number of Household MembersAnnual IncomeAnnual IncomeAnnual Income




























For each additional person add$5,918$8,070$10,760


1State Emergency Relief
2Low-Income Self-Sufficiency Plan
3The Heat and Warmth Fund
4Michigan Community Action

Some non-profit agencies may provide assistance to households with a higher income level than listed above. Contact the specific agency for details.

You can also call United Way of Southeastern Michigan at 211 or (844) 211-4994 or United Way of Jackson County at (517) 741-0202.

A state-earned income refundable credit is available for working individuals and families who meet requirements for a federal earned income credit. Claiming the Michigan Earned Income Credit requires filing a federal 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ form. After the federal Earned Income Credit is approved, complete and submit the MI-1040 form. To learn more, contact the Michigan Department of Treasury at (517) 373-3200.

This program provides free energy efficiency upgrades to single-family and multifamily customers. EEA works in partnership with 32+ organizations to help identify customers most in need. For more information, visit dteenergy.com/eeassistance.

A federal earned income tax credit is available based on income level and number of qualifying child dependents. To apply, you must file a federal income tax return with Schedule EIC. You can receive part of the credit in your paycheck by completing a W5 form with your employer for Advanced EIC or you can apply for the credit at tax time. To learn more, contact the IRS at (800) 829-3676.

The Heat and Warmth Fund provides energy assistance and other services to customers who are past due or disconnected. To learn more, call (800) 866-THAW (8429).

Low-income customers, at or below 110% of the federal poverty level, may be eligible for a home heating credit for the 2024 tax year to help pay winter heating bills. The Home Heating Credit tax form must be completed no later than September 30 each year. Ask your local tax preparer or seek free assistance from the Accounting Aid Society at (866) 673-0873 or (313) 556-1920.

The Michigan Lifeline program is for landline voice telephone service only. This Lifeline program makes basic local telephone (landline) service more affordable for income-eligible individuals and families in Michigan with an annual household income at or below 135% of the federal poverty level.

The Federal Lifeline program makes voice (wireless or wireline service) and broadband service more affordable for income-eligible individuals and families under the same qualifications listed above. If you qualify, you may receive a discount for monthly telephone and/or broadband service from your wireline, wireless, or broadband provider.  Additionally, Lifeline benefits are limited to one per household, not per person.

Visit fcc.gov/lifeline for more information.

Michigan 2-1-1 is a free confidential service linking people with local community-based organizations across the state to help with energy assistance, rent payment, child and elder care, emergency shelters, job training, counseling and other needs. To learn more, call 211 or visit mi211.org.

The Michigan Community Action member service network provides energy assistance and home weatherization to reduce energy use and lower utility bills to income eligible customers. All services to qualified applicants are free. For more information, call (517) 321-7500.

The Trust Fund provides temporary assistance to veterans and their families facing a financial emergency or hardship including the need for energy assistance.

Learn more at michiganveterans.com.

If your household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level or you receive food assistance, you may qualify for a $8.50 per month credit on your electric account and/or a $14.50 per month credit on your gas account.

To determine eligibility for the Residential Income Assistance credit, the DTE account holder is required to submit the following documentation.

Required Documents

Photo Identification

Provide one of these documents for each adult member of the household (18 years or older) including the DTE account holder. Household members’ identification MUST match the DTE account address. A valid, color copy must be submitted.

  • Michigan driver’s license
  • Michigan state ID
  • City-issued ID
  • Passport (Applies to account holder only)
Proof of Dependents
  • For dependents 17 years old or younger, please provide a birth certificate.
  • If a dependent does not have a birth certificate, please provide us with the DTE Account Holder’s most recent tax form 1040 (pages 1 and 2) with all household members listed.
Proof of Income

Provide the applicable documents below for each household member, including the Account Holder.

  • Two most recent pay stubs dated within the past 60 days.
  • Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) statement for the current year.
  • Unemployment compensation benefit statement.
  • If self-employed, account and business records showing income (a 1099 tax statement is acceptable).
  • Most recently filed Tax Form 1040, pages 1 and 2, with dependents and income listed. Only valid for submission until June 1 of the year it was filed. 
  • Pension statement for current year.
  • For unreported wages or if employment just started, a letter from the employer on company letterhead dated within the last 30 days.  Please include the hourly rate or monthly gross amount including the employer’s signature. 
  • Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Benefit Letter that includes cash benefits. All pages required for Cash Assistance, Food Assistance and/or Medicaid Award Letters.  
  • Veterans Award Benefit Letter.  

DTE customers who were granted a Home Heating Credit (HHC) from another gas provider can submit a copy of the HHC draft. Photo identification and proof of income as listed above are not required.

Documentation Submission Process

Submit documents through the  Document Submission Portal. You will be presented with two options:

  • Option 1:  Submit documents by Signing in.
  • Option 2: Submit documents through Guest Access. For the protection of your DTE account, this option requires completing a short form to obtain a one-time passcode.

Please select RESIDENTIAL INCOME ASSISTANCE CREDIT from the Your Request drop-down as the reason for submitting documentation.

The Salvation Army provides energy assistance and other services to low-income customers. Find a Salvation Army center near you.

The State Emergency Relief program provides immediate help to households who have a past-due energy bill and are at/below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Apply online through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at  michigan.gov/mibridges, or contact one of our community partners who can assist with the application process.

To learn more about foreclosure prevention assistance for Wayne County residents call (877) 693-6199.