In 2019, DTE Electric completed a second green bond issuance of $650 million (2019 Series A 3.95% General and Refunding Bonds due 2049).
Below you can see the specific Eligible Green Projects to which DTE Electric has allocated the green bond proceeds ($639 million), the environmental benefits of those projects and DTE Electric’s management assertion letter together with the independent accountants’ attestation report.
Management’s Assertion and Independent Accountant’s Attestation Report.
*Per the EPA Environmental Impacts Calculator
**Based on the average home in DTE Energy’s territory using 650 kWh per month
*Per the EPA Environmental Impacts Calculator
**Based on the average home in DTE Energy’s territory using 650 kWh per month
*Per the EPA Environmental Impacts Calculator
**Based on the average home in DTE Energy’s territory using 650 kWh per month
*Per the EPA Environmental Impacts Calculator
**Based on the average home in DTE Energy’s territory using 650 kWh per month