Determining your household size.
For the Home EV Charger Rebate program, a household is defined as household members listed on the Applicant’s tax return. For most Applicants, this will include you, your spouse if you filed taxes jointly and any dependents. Anyone living with you who isn’t listed on your filed tax return won’t be included in the household for this program’s purposes.
Verifying that you meet the Home EV Charger Rebate’s Income Eligibility Requirement. Two options:
- DTE Electric verifies that now or in the last 12 months you were enrolled in an energy assistance program. If so, you already meet the Home EV Charger Rebate’s Income Eligibility Requirement. Energy assistance includes the Shutoff Protection Program, Home Heating Credit, State Emergency Relief or Michigan Energy Assistance program.
- You allow DTE Electric to review your tax transcript and the tax transcript of each person 18 years or older in your household, for the most recent tax year. For applications submitted using the 2024 or 2025 tax year, DTE Electric will use IRS Form 1040 line 9 as total income for each person 18 years or older (note that if Line 8 of Schedule 1, “Other Income,” is negative, then DTE Electric may not include that negative amount in the calculation of total income). DTE Electric will sum the total income for each person 18 years or older to determine the household income. If your household’s total income is under the amount in the table above for your household size, then you meet the Home EV Charger Rebate’s Income Eligibility Requirement. After submitting your application for the Home EV Charger Rebate, DTE Electric’s authorized income verifier Veri-Tax™ will send electronic signature requests on behalf of DTE Electric to you and any other adult members of your household at the email addresses you provided in your application. The emails will come from the email address Veri-Tax™ will ask you and any other adult members of your household to electronically sign and submit a U.S. IRS Form 4506-C form. Each form must be signed by the member of the household listed on the form. This form allows Veri-Tax™ to obtain a tax transcript from the IRS, which DTE Electric will use to determine household income.