Strategic Energy Management Program (SEM)

Strategic Energy Management Program (SEM)

Manage your energy use and maximize your savings.

SEM is designed to help large commercial and industrial customers continuously improve their energy performance and reduce energy waste. DTE offers technical support and financial incentives to qualified customers. Note: availability is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Learn more about the program.

Program Benefits

Benefits include:

  • Typical savings of 2 to 8% of your annual energy use
  • DTE SEM incentives for verified savings of $0.05/kWh and $0.30/Therm
  • Low- or no-cost energy savings and capital controls energy savings opportunities

Eligibility Requirements

Selection criteria for participating include:

  • Annual electric energy usage greater than 15,000,000 kWh
  • A functioning Building Automation System (BAS) or equivalent

Other Specialty Programs