Steam Trap Efficiency

Find & Fix Steam Traps

Protect your equipment and improve your operational performance.

If your business uses a process steam system, it’s essential to maintain your steam traps. Failed steam traps can go unnoticed, affecting production and costs for dry cleaners, brewers, food processing and other light industries.

We can help you identifiy faulty steam traps often requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Our steam trap efficiency program identifies faulty traps through a complimentary survey, using an ultrasonic leak detector that can identify leaks that aren’t visible. Rebates are available to reduce replacement costs when you commit to fix or replace 50% or more of the faulty traps identified in the survey. You must be a DTE Gas customer with process steam systems to be eligible.

Rebates vary by customer type. For example, dry cleaners receive $250 per trap replaced, while rebates for other participants are calculated per ccf saved. Both rebates typically cover the cost of the project and savings benefits from reduced energy use.

How It Works

Business Impacts


  • Get a free survey to detect faulty steam traps. 
  • Gain access to steam system experts.
  • Ensure proper functioning of your equipment.
  • Increase the lifespan of equipment with preventative maintenance.
  • Improve the efficiency of the system.
  • Lower your energy use.
  • Get assistance connecting with service providers, if needed.

Schedule a free survey.

Call (855) 748-2525 to speak directly with an Energy Advisor, or get started by emailing us at