Once you’ve connected with us to initiate the process, DTE Electric Planning will typically follow up within five business days to gather more information about your project
Follow this process to deploy charging infrastructure at your business location if you are not applying for one of our rebates. Incentives for commercial charger installation are available. If you are interested please apply for the Multifamily EV Charger Rebate, Public EV Charger Rebate, eFleet EV Charger Rebate, and Workplace and Retail EV Charger Rebate.
Call us at (855) 383-4249.
Once you’ve connected with us to initiate the process, DTE Electric Planning will typically follow up within five business days to gather more information about your project
You review the design and scope of work, sign a DTE Electric agreement for service and easement (if applicable), and make payment before DTE Electric can begin construction
DTE Electric Planning will conduct inspections of all work on the utility side of the meter to ensure your site is ready per DTE Electric specifications (found in the Electric Service Installation Guide) and meets requirements including but not limited to:
DTE Electric Scheduling will contact you to schedule an official start date for construction and check in approximately one week before work begins