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Online Account

Frequently Asked Questions

Safety and Security

To ensure your personal information is safe and secure online, DTE encrypts all transactions and manages them on a secure server. Communication between your device and DTE is transmitted securely in a non-readable format.

We require your Social Security number (SSN) or the last four digits for some online features. We crosscheck the SSN provided with information in our billing system to verify an online user is the individual associated with the account.

Never provide sensitive personal information by responding to an unsolicited email. DTE Energy will not ask for your personal or account information in an email, unless you contacted us first and we're trying to clarify your request.

In unsolicited emails, do not click on links because they could contain malware and infect your device. Instead, open a web browser, type in the URL address and navigate to the desired page. If you receive an email appearing to be from DTE Energy that contains a link, don’t click it. Instead, open a web browser, type “” into the web address and navigate to the desired page.

DTE Energy uses state-of-the-art technology and processes to protect your personal information and privacy. The financial account information you provide when creating an online Payment Method is encrypted and sent directly to our bank through a secured data link. Once the bank verifies the financial account information, it assigns the Payment Method a unique ID number. Your financial account information is stored only in our bank's highly secured file system. No one from the bank, DTE Energy or anywhere else can view your account information. All your payments are made via the unique ID number used to generate a payment request directly to your financial institution.

  • Make sure the URL contains "https," indicating a secure website
  • Do not use "auto-login" or “remember me” functions
  • Never share your account number, user name or password
  • Never access your account from a public Wi-Fi hotspot or unknown network
  • End your session by logging out and closing the browser window

  1. Use long passwords containing letters (upper and lowercase), numbers and special characters.
  2. Never send personal information (Social Security or credit card numbers) in an email.
  3. Think carefully about the information you post on your social networking sites.
  4. Avoid conducting personal business on public Wi-Fi. These networks are usually not secure.
  5. Think before downloading files. Do not click links in emails; instead, manually type the link into your browser.
  6. Ensure your antivirus software is always activated and updated to the latest version on your PC, iPad, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
  7. Beware of pop-up antivirus alerts. Be sure it’s your antivirus software and company before clicking on them.
  8. Ensure your system’s personal firewall is always activated.
  9. Install updates and patches to your operating system regularly.
  10. Only download apps from trusted sources.

Unfortunately, both residential and business customers are targeted every day by scam artists. Michigan law helps protect you against scam artists by making it a felony to impersonate energy employees.

If you suspect you are the target of an energy scam, contact us immediately at (800) 477-4747 or sign in to your account to confirm any online activity. Do not hand out any money or provide credit card information. Anyone suspecting foul play should contact local police immediately

Use these tips to spot an energy scammer and know if you’re talking to a DTE employee.