DTE Electrical System Operations Center (ESOC)
DTE is committed to modernizing its electric system to be more reliable and resilient to increasingly severe weather while also delivering cleaner energy to meet DTE’s aggressive carbon reduction goals and the state of Michigan’s new clean energy legislation.
That is why DTE Energy is building a smarter, stronger, more resilient energy grid of the future. See work happening in communities across southeastern Michigan using the Power Improvements Map.
We’re also rebuilding the way we generate energy, closing coal plants and investing billions of dollars in solar and wind energy. All of this, to support a new, more reliable, interconnected, and cleaner supply of energy for the residential and business customers we serve.
Left to Right: Wind turbines and other renewable sources generate cleaner energy. Tree trimming helps improve power reliability. The Power Reliability Map shows work underway to increase reliability in your area.
Top to Bottom: Wind turbines and other renewable sources generate cleaner energy. Tree trimming helps improve power reliability. Energy efficiency programs help save customers money.
Making these changes requires investment, and while DTE has invested more than $5 billion into the electric grid over the past five years, more work must be done to build the grid of the future and improve reliability for our customers. We have a $9 billion roadmap to improved reliability (Distribution Grid Plan) for the next five years with the Michigan Public Service Commission. The plan focuses on deploying new technologies and equipment that will reduce the number and duration of outages, especially in severe weather events.
DTE is rebuilding the grid to improve reliability.
We’ll continue to build the grid of the future. In the past five years, DTE has spent more than $5 billion on the electrical grid—strengthening infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid, replacing aging equipment and trimming trees. It’s working. Where this combined work is complete, customers are experiencing significant improvements in reliability.
See work happening in your community using our Power Improvements Map. We also encourage you to read our Empowering Michigan blog on how DTE is further increasing reliability for our customers through our plan to build the grid of the future.
DTE is rebuilding the grid to improve reliability.
DTE’s Lapeer Solar Park generates cleaner energy for its customers.
The smart grid of the future will be powered by cleaner energy, and like all big transformations, the shift to cleaner energy won’t happen overnight. However, we’re accelerating our clean energy journey with our landmark CleanVision Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), approved by the MPSC in 2023. Projects that support this clean energy transition and will help end our use of coal by 2032 include the conversion of the Belle River coal-fired power plant to natural gas and the development of the Trenton Channel Energy Center. Learn more about our full plan by visiting dtecleanenergy.com.
DTE’s Lapeer Solar Park generates cleaner energy for its customers.
DTE offers affordable payment plans and assistance programs.
While we are working to deliver cleaner, more reliable energy that requires significant financial investments, we also recognize there are many customers struggling to meet their basic needs, so we’re committed to keeping bills as low as possible and providing resources for our most vulnerable customers. Every day, DTE connects customers to energy assistance to avoid an interruption of service. We encourage customers to reach out to us as soon as they think they may not be able to pay an upcoming bill. Our team works closely with state and agency partners to provide financial assistance and last year alone, we connected our customers to nearly $144 million in energy assistance, and we stand ready to help find the best support for you.
We never want anyone to fall behind or go without power and work hard to help our customers wherever we can to avoid interruption. If you or anyone you know needs assistance, please contact us at 800-477-4747. Customers can learn more about affordable payment plans, energy efficiency programs and financial aid options by visiting dteenergy.com/help or contacting the United Way at 211.
DTE offers affordable payment plans and assistance programs.
— Jerry Norcia, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DTE Energy